Get Involved Fundraise for us Community support Cherry Trees supporters all have one thing in common - they are loyal. We have some fantastic groups, clubs, schools, and associations out in our community fundraising for us. But we need more people to do this, and encourage any rotary clubs, WI's, Inner Wheels, Golf Clubs, bowling clubs, churches, synagogues, mosques, all local clubs and organisations to get in touch. This summer alone we have benefited from a £2,000 donation from Shere Open Gardens, a £1,000 donation raised for us by the Rotary Club of Guildford District, whilst a simple nomination by the Vivace Chorus saw over £800 raised for us in just one evening collected in their retiring collection at their summer concert. If you would like to host your own community event from one-offs eg: a bring and buy, cake sale, clothes exchange, karaoke competition, pub quiz, or even nominate us to benefit from a year's focused fundraising please contact Debbie Boulter at: [email protected] for support with the provision of Cherry Trees branded fundraising materials, publicity and promotion. Cherry Trees can provide you with a guest speaker at events, branded fundraising materials, publicity and promotion when we collaboratively support our community fundraisers. For some groups they like to see the place they are raising money for, please contact us if you would like a group tour of our house (out of respite hours). "We know lots of people and places want to fundraise for somewhere meaningful where they feel the money raised will really count. We really are a small charity doing a lot of work and making meaningful time for families needing a break from the demands of care 24/7 for a child with disabilities. Now you've found us, we want to hear from you - today." Debbie Boulter - Cherry Trees. Manage Cookie Preferences