Leave a gift in your Will MAKE A DIFFERENCE BEYOND YOUR LIFETIME During 2023/24 Cherry Trees welcomed 12 new families and delivered 52,750 hours of specialist care to children and families across Surrey and the surrounding areas, allowing us to host 2,184 visits and sleepovers, organised 146 day trips and supported 70 children. Providing this lifeline costs £1.54m a year (2023/24). Around two thirds of this is funded by the local authority, with the remaining third coming from voluntary donations and legacies. By including Cherry Trees in your Will, you will enable us for years to come to continue providing expert home-from-home care to children with complex disabilities whilst giving their families a much needed and meaningful break. Gifts in Wills, no matter the size or type, are hugely important as they secure our respite services for our families and pay for vital equipment. With your support, we can be there for those that need us today and for years to come. Without the support of Cherry Trees we would not have managed to keep our son living at home. Sharing the care with Cherry Trees has enabled him to be with us as we get the necessary break from caring so that we can then care for him for the rest of the time. Cherry Trees Parent Please consider giving a gift to Cherry Trees when you next review or update your Will. It’s really easy to include a gift in your Will to Cherry Trees. We recommend using a solicitor to draw up your Will, or to add a codicil (an official document for amendments) if you’d like to update your existing Will. Your solicitor will make sure your wishes are clear and provide the correct wording. Cherry Trees School Lane, East Clandon, Surrey, GU4 7RS Registered Charity No. 800222 If you need help finding a local solicitor, contact The Law Society: www.lawsociety.org.ukTel: 020 7320 5650 Thanks to the Government initiative, by leaving 10% or more of your estate to charity, the rate of Inheritance Tax applicable to the remainder of your estate is reduced to 36%. Which in turn means as well as helping us you could also be helping your other beneficiaries. Please also consider letting us know if you have already included Cherry Trees in your Will. We would like to thank you and record your generosity. We hope to provide a free Will writing service in due course. If you are interested, please contact us using the contact details below. Thank you. Contact: Hazel Cornick, Supporter Engagement ManagerEmail: [email protected] Call: 01483 222507 Photo by Arno Smit on Unsplash Manage Cookie Preferences