Ways To Donate Give regularly Help us by giving regularly Can you please help us ? We are looking to increase the number of Cherry Champions we have supporting us over 2019 and 2020 by 50%! Can you spread the word, sign-up for a friend in-lieu of a birthday gift or encourage your colleagues to join us ? We need more Cherry Champions to please help us keep our work going. Cherry Trees needs more regular givers, who are able to and would like to donate once a month to our fantastic children's charity. Every time new people, companies and organisations meet us, visit our house and see the work we are doing the penny drops - they tell us they realise why we are here and the difference donating makes to our families. By becoming a Cherry Champion you are doing something for families - giving them back some time. For the child or young person with disabilities that comes to us for a respite break their parents feel the benefit at home with a break for a few hours or over night from the demands of caring. With our 40th anniversary on the horizon our vision is to be there for as many families as possible and make our services available to more people. To do this we need sustained and reliable income and becoming a Cherry Champion is one way of helping us secure this voluntary income. Looking after a child with disabilities who needs round the clock care means short breaks for mums, dads, brothers and sisters is vital. There are no "end of the tunnels" - care will be needed throughout life. That is why respite is so important to families and in order for us to support these families we need your help. Your donation can make respite happen, providing a welcome break but ensuring the child when at Cherry trees have a fabulous time. Every child coming to Cherry Trees are well looked after. Yummy home cooked dinners, play time in our soft play area, games in the garden or simply enjoying being out meeting new people and learning new life skills. At Cherry Trees we pride ourselves on the quality of respect, care and supervision given during visits. By becoming a Cherry Champion you, as a regular donor, are going to make a big difference to your community and the lives of those affected, like the family of Luke and Thomas. By contributing as a regular donor and supporting us from just £5 a month you can help us to provide these essential stays. Every single stay for a child is funded in part with your donations, so your support is so vital to us and to the parents and families. Be amazing - be a Cherry Champion! Thank you Please select a donation amount (required) £8 Your £8 could help fund one hour of care for a child with complex disabilities £24 Your £24 could help fund our great green minibus to take our children to and from school £56 Your £56 could help fund an enriching outing to a farm, bringing joy and laughter to children with complex disabilities £104 Your £104 could help provide a lifeline to families with an overnight sleepover, making a huge difference for the whole family Other Set up a regular payment Donate Manage Cookie Preferences